Ship Building and Naval Repair
Departamentul Nave provides a broad range of maritime and river vessels repairs:
- dock works in cooperation
- all types of deck, tanks, warehouse lids repair works
- repairs, reconditioning and manufacture for: - spare parts for cranes, winches, ventilators, separators, distillery installations - hydraulic installations for warehouses - hydraulic lifting installations - pumps, hydraulic cylinders - high pressure hoses (Manuli)
- thermal engine repairs: main and auxiliaries
- electric generators repairs, engine winding 0.1- 200kW
- automation, deck and command electric installation
- ship carpentry
We build boats from 8-20 meters length, as own project or project required by the customer, equipped with the most modern utilities that exist on the international market.
S. C. UTILNAVOREP S. A. entered the shipbuilding market. The first such project is the construction, equipping and commissioning of 2 pieces ȘALUPE MARITIME PORTUAREfor CN APMC (National Maritime Company of Ports Administration Constanta):
- construction of naval steel plate with thickness between 3 and 6 mm;
- steel body has ~9 tons and ~19 tons the fully equipped ship;
- maximum length Lmax = 12.5 m
- width B = 3.7 m
- building height D = 2.0 m
- maximum draft T = 0.9 m
- crew: 2 plus 6 passengers
- drive two fixed pitch propeller driven engines of 205 HP each rapid Caterpillar
- advanced radionavigation equipment, in accordance with applicable ships requirements
Pollution Clean-up Ships
Starting in april 2007 S. C. UTILNAVOREP S. A. is a representative of the French company ECOCEANE.
ECOCEANE is the inventor and manufacturer of a new pollution clean-up system. CATAMAR, ECOGLOP și CATAGLOP vessels quipped with this system have a high efficiency in cleaning and de-pollution of the seas, harbors, lakes, rivers and channels.
Ship Building and Naval Repair

Hydrocarbons recovery vessel at sea(continuing absorption capacity: 100 m³/h),the absorption flux,created by the turbine is introduced into the decanter, from decanter the clean water is discharged and hydrocarbons are routed to the separator and transferred into a reservoir of 500 m³, trailed by CATAMAR;

Vessel for cleaning in narrow spaces(touristic ports,recreation bases, channels,along the quay, etc.) is equipped with an electric motor with an autonomy of 8 hours, cleans and gathers moving forward and backward or stationary este transportabilă cu ajutorul unei platforme auto, is transportable by means of an auto platform and for launching it needs just one person.

Vessel for cleaning in narrow spaces or in the coastal zone. Is equipped with motor pumps of hydrocarbons transfer in the reservoir and fire equipment;
Special Purpose Vessels
Ponton mobilspecialized in handling buoys, 50 T capacity. (Completly fitted)
- Very complex work, which reveals UTILNAVOREPs capability to cover al areas: metalic confections, electric wiring, heat engines (Caterpillar), hoisting units, mooring and anchoring systems, thermal insulators, etc.
Some of our customers in the shipbuilding and naval repair:
- CNAPMC - Entire construction Mobile Pontoon, specialized in handling buoys 100to DW.
- CN ACN - Entire construction Ship for hydrographic measurements on the Danube-Black Sea Channel
- TRANSELECTRICA - Entire construction self-propelled floating pontoon
- M.Ap.N (Ministry of National Defense) Repair and maintenance of Navy Ships: motor vessel "Racoviță", motor vessel "Grigore Antipa" (in partnership with Connex Comanex - France), motor vessels "281", "Grozavul", "Albatros", various military frigates and boats, etc.
Office Utilnavorep
Aurel Vlaicu Bv., no. 52 Constanta
Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 16:00