
The experience acquired by UTILNAVOREP S.A. Constanța in the field of metal confections is recognized thru the quality of our works, delivered to romanian and foreign partners.

Our department has a number of 40 locksmiths and welders with high qualification and a large experience acknowledged by the certifications (qualifications) from Bureau Veritas and A.N.R. (Romanian Naval Authority). Also, welding procedures used by Bureau Veritas The technology and painting procedures are according to HEMPEL, CERAM-KOTE , SIGMA.

Confecții geamanduri de semnalizare maritimă și fluvială

Started in the early 2000s, along with French company GISMAN meant a real school for our company. High quality bar required by French partner, prompted us to think and act according to the precepts of the Western economy.

Today, with the technical equipment and the professionalism we can say that there are no qualitative differences between our products and those made by specialized companies in the West.

Our portfolio of clients in this field is a clear proof of this.

Confecții metalice pentru ecluze

The complexity of the business of repairing and upgrading locks makes few companies are able to address these works.

UTILNAVOREP already has a wide experience in this area in recent years rehabilitating sluicing complex systems of canals Danube-Black Sea and Poarta Albă-Midia Năvodari.

Confecții metalice specializate – cofraje pentru construcții de docuri și cheuri

Only a handful of companies can successfully deal with such special confections for this kind of work.

Confecții vinciuri de acționare dirijabile – export Anglia

The winches handle balloons for tourists, which overflying areas of England. Execution conditions very drastic for passenger safety in the UK, have been met successfully by UTILNAVOREP's specialists.
